Prayers For Tough Times

A Prayer For One Experiencing Depression


At times, I feel overwhelmed.
My anxieties get the upper hand, fueled by the face of worries, of "what ifs", of "what abouts."
It bothers me, God, to have my energy sapped by an unseen yet all-too-powerful force.
Images of darkness, of unfinished business and incomplete relationships.
Of hurts, painful encounters and rejections.
Of fears of abandonment, unlovability and worthlessness.

A quick scan of Your Word re-acquaints me with other strugglers, those whose faith and trust were not
without times of despair and questioning.
People like Hagar waiting for Ishmael to die of neglect,
Like Elijah after Mt. Carmel, feeling there were no people of faith left.
Like David's challenge: "How long, O Lord will you abandon us?"
Like Paul's thorn in the flesh.
Like Jesus' heartfelt cry in Gethsemane: "If there's any way, let this cup pass."

May such narratives touch my troubled soul, Lord,
May Your Word, Your people, Your World of sustenance remind me that it's You in charge, not me.
That this place of crisis is not the end of this story.
That Your grace, peace, and love provide ultimate hope and true joy.

I do believe, God. Help thou my unbelief.
Through the name of one acquainted with grief.


~Virgil Fry